Using Artificial Intelligence for Business with Sean Gardner

Digital Marketing Services

Recently I was fortunate enough to attend Digital Branding Analytics Miami (#DBAmiami), a marketing conference organized by Florida International University. Each of the discussions I attended were relevant to my career and education, but I found Sean Gardner’s presentation on “Using A.I. for Business” beneficial to my coursework and career.Sean Gardner is an author and Forbes #1 social media power influencer.

When most people think of artificial intelligence, they think of special effects and robots and science fiction – but as Sean Gardner explains, that’s not at all how modern A.I. is changing the way we do business. Everything from learning to reasoning and even self-correcting text falls under the category of AI.

As you can imagine, the practical applications of AI in the marketing field are immense. Customer experience and support can be greatly augmented with the use of AI. Workers use AI to make decisions and get things done, and executives are willing to spend money on AI platforms because they see this as a way to increase productivity. Marketers can use AI for videos and content generation.

Hearing Sean Gardener speak about AI and its practical real world and marketing world uses has really intrigued me. This is not something that has been covered during my studies in the Master of Science in Marketing program at Florida International University, but I would really like to learn more about it.

Watch his entire presentation here:

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